Eliminated by Jillian Harris in summer's "The Bachelorette," Jake was certainly a memorable suitor of Jillian. He was the one who, after being eliminated, flew into Austin during Jillian's hometown date with Wes Hayden to warn her that Hayden supposedly had a girlfriend, was on the show for the wrong reasons (duh, his music), blah blah blah...old news.
He was also the one who had the perfect first one-on-one date with Jillian that included a private Martina McBride concert. No, you can't forget about that...after Jake brought it up every single time he was alone with Jillian. Ok, we get it, it was amazing. There was a connection there. It was...perfect! And there lies the problem.
Jake. Is. Perfect. And I don't mean that in a swooning way. He's too perfect, which is why Jillian wasn't feeling it with him. And which is why he will make for a boring season of "The Bachelor."
Kipton would have been better. Yes, he's seemingly perfect, but he has that whole "I"m always the heart breaker/I've never had my heart broken" thing going (well, not sure he can say that now after Jillian...), which gives him that is-he-ready-to-commit vibe.
Reed would have been best (in my opinion.) He has that whole unable-to-open-up issue: "I like you this much [holds out his arms]." He's adorable and awkward...and I love it (ok, he probably would be a bad choice...I just want to see more of Reed).
Despite next season's bachelor being kind of a bore, I have no doubt that the group of women who will viciously fight for his affection will keep things interesting. And for Jake's sake, I hope those women have a thing for perfection. He definitely deserves that wife he's longing for cause he really is a sweetheart (hopefully that won't be his downfall...again).
I can also tell you now that the rose ceremonies are going to be tortorous to watch, cause if you now Jake, you know that he's not big on hurting people's feelings. I knew this was going to be a difficult part of the show for Jake before I heard him say so himself in this interview on "The Bachelor" homepage at ABC.com:
See what I mean by boring? The interviewer even looked bored, despite being inches away from an undeniably attractive man.
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