Most workouts will last about 6 weeks before a rut sets in and your muscles hit a wall. But I like to switch things up every month. It's hard not to when every month's issue of Oxygen is bursting with new routines.
Last month I gave my legs some much needed attention with a two-day-a-week leg/glutes routine in Oxygen's July '10 issue. I also vowed to up my interval cardio training. Ok, I slacked off the first couple of weeks, but I've hit the treadmill three times a week the last couple of weeks. And after a month of the legs routine (and two weeks of cardio...oops!), I've actually got some muscle on my legs. Lesson learned: I shall never ignore my qauds, hams, and calves ever again.
This month, I'm going to shift my attention to my triceps (with biceps, legs, abs, back, and shoulders in between, of course.) Like most women, I think, my triceps are the hardest muscle to tone. Yes, I realize I'm teeny tiny and don't have to worry about greeting people "hello" with the flab of my arm. But I'm looking for some tone...what Oxygen publisher Robert Kennedy calls "the triceps horseshoe."
So I'll be giving a recently published Oxygen triceps routine a go today and twice a week for the next four weeks. After the shock of shapely legs, I'm hoping those weak triceps of mine follow suit.
Check back soon for your go-to triceps moves (after some hands-on research)!
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