Thursday, March 25, 2010

Mission Accomplished

Yes, I did it. I finished the three-month workout and loved every minute ever. Unfortunately, I'm taking the week off from gym time (minus some yoga here and there) due to my body being plagued with a new illness every day this week. However, I'll be creating my own workout schedule over the weekend in the hope that I'll actually be well enough to put it into action next week.

One disappointment with the workout. Last semester, I went to the health center at my school (I go there frequently. My body hates me.) and they weighed me for the first time since my first visit a year or two before. I had lost about five pounds since that first time they weighed me. (In my case, losing weight is not good because I'm already teeny tiny.) I went back a couple days later, and they weighed me again. Two more pounds gone. So I went in earlier this week, and they decided to weigh me. Fortunately, I haven't lost weight. Unfortunately, I haven't gained any. This is appalling to me because I just spent three months lifting weights more than I've been doing cardio, and I eat a decent amount of protein every meal, and I eat every 2-3 hours. And apparently, I didn't gain any muscle. AND the fact that I've been sick all week and unable to work out or eat much means that any muscle I did gain, I've probably lost.


Maybe I'll have to start drinking whey-protein based shakes after all. If only I had a blender...

In other news, after leaving school early yesterday due to sickness, boy randomly bought me a present: season 1 of Lost! And that's not all. He actually watched the first four episodes with me. Yes, this is a big deal. I've tried to get so many people to watch Lost, and he was the most resistant. But now that I have season one, my mission is to get him to watch the entire thing in the hopes that he will get hooked and watch the next five seasons. And then the sixth, when it comes out on DVD. Brilliant.

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