Sunday, March 7, 2010

3-Month BBP: 2 Months and 2 Weeks Down, 2 Weeks To Go

Too much school, not enough blogging. But I wanted to give a quick update on the Best Body Ever Plan.

I started the third (and last) month and have two more weeks to go. Both exciting and sad. I'm going to miss having weekly workout plans laid out for me. But it's still exciting because I think this will be the first time I complete all three months. I was worried that I would stop at month three, like I usually do, because the workouts tend to involve machines that the little four-machine gym in my apartment complex doesn't have. And yes, there are machines that I don't have, but I've been working out and soaking up fitness knowledge long enough to know how to come up with alternatives for the exercises I can't do (Kudos to me!).

I'm also excited to start creating my own workout plans. I've learned a lot from the Best Body Plan these past couple months. While before, I used to pick out one upper body workout and one lower body workout from "Oxygen" to perform for about a month, I'm now eager to follow a schedule similar to the kinds featured in the BBP. Such as doing legs one day, shoulders/arms another, and then chest/back another day, rather than separating muscle groups into upper/lower. Now, instead of just going for the "Oxygen" workout routines that allow you to work out all (or most) muscle groups in one routine, I'm going to actually pick routines made specifically for particular muscle groups, so I'm ready to give that a go.

I realize this post is sort of lame and bland, but the textbooks and homework are calling...

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