I love muffins. Blueberry, in particular. With some coffee on the side. Though packed with too many for their size, I just can't resist.
For years, I've been trying out blueberry muffin recipes, searching for a homemade muffin as good as those rich, calorie-packed muffins you find at a bakery or coffee shop.
Well, this rainy Saturday morning, I have done it. I found the perfect muffin recipe. I simply googled "blueberry muffins" and came across a recipe at elise.com. What made me try this one out of all the recipes I found were two of its ingredients: yogurt, instead of milk, and grated lemon peel - two things I had never tried in a muffin recipe.
I wondered if those two ingredients would make all the difference. They did. (I didn't have plain yogurt like the recipe calls for, so I used the vanilla Yoplait yogurt that I did have.)
They turned out deliciously. (Just look at those beauties!) So it looks like the search for the perfect homemade blueberry muffin is over. And if you love muffins as much as I do, this is definitely the recipe to try.
Now let's just hope I don't scarf these babies down...
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