About a month ago, my sister mentioned something about a sequel to the "Sex and the City" movie. I didn't believe it. I didn't want to.
Well, I was looking through the "Star Tracks" on People.com when I came across a picture of Sarah Jessica Parker standing in front of a very familiar looking "Sex and the City" New York background, in a very Carrie Bradshaw outfit. I didn't even have to read the caption to know that this picture had been taking while filming the "Sex and the City" sequel.
Still, I didn't want to believe it.
So, I turned to Google and sure enough, SATC 2 filming has begun. And apparently I've been out of the loop, as I also found out that writer-director Micheal Patrick King, the four SATC women - Parker, Cynthia Nixon, Kim Cattrall, and Kristin Davis - and of course, Mr. Big himself, Chris Noth, signed their contracts for the sequel back in February. (Where have I been?!)
Now, I'm a big SATC fan. I watch the re-runs on TV when I can, I own a couple seasons on DVD, yesterday I even added the seasons I don't have to my Netflix queue. I was also completely for the first SATC movie because, like any SATC fan, I wanted to know if on again-off again Carrie and Big were really on again, for good.
All questions were answered in the movie, just the way fans wanted them to be, I'm sure: Carrie married Big, Charlotte got pregnant, Samantha became her single self again in the end, and Miranda showed us that man-haters can get married and stay happily married (despite some rough patches.)
So, a second movie? Really? What more could there possibly be that deserves another movie?!
Of course there is more to the girls' stories (like Carrie getting pregnant...possibly part of the new movie's plotline?) but can't we just imagine it? When the series ended, I liked imagining that Carrie and Big lived happily ever after like I always wanted them to. While, at the time, I would have liked to have seen more, just to be sure, I was happy knowing that he realized she's the one, and the rest was up to my imagination (which couldn't be wrong since it was pretty much up to the show's audience to think whatever they wanted.)
This isn't to say that I didn't like the movie. I actually loved it because of everything I mentioned before. And it was nice to see that what I imagined would happen did.
But I thought the purpose of the SATC movie was to complete the story, not be the start of a continuation of the story.
Despite my opposition to the second movie, I will, of course, see it like a loyal fan should. I'm just hoping the happy ending the first movie left us with doesn't go sour.
On a final note, some production photos I came across seem promising: a 20-something Carrie with big hair, 80s attire, and lot of luggage - clearly a flashback to Carrie's move to New York. If the second movie takes a frequent flashback approach, that might be interesting, since we've only ever known 30-something/40-something Carrie. What was 20-something Carrie like?...Maybe we'll find out.
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