Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Fashionable Find...

With nothing to do at work today (thanks to a relaxed homework week) but browse the web, I came across an advertisement displaying only a unique-looking clutch bag. Curious, I clicked on the link and discovered Red Ruby Rose "contemporary, original, and handmade" clutches. The goregous images displayed on the clutches are designed by Rowena, a freelance illustrator who specializes in collage and photomontage.

Rowena studied printed textiles at Edinburgh College of Art in Scotland. After graduating, she found herself in "an increasingly digital working life," as stated in her profile at In her search for a more creative outlet, Rowena came up with the idea of incorporating her artwork into fabric "using exciting new digital advances in textile production." However, instead of opting for shirts as her canvas (an unoriginal idea, though it would have made for some unique tops), Rowena chose the increasingly popular clutch.

The result? Intricate, original, almost one-of-a-kind clutches that are perfect for any occasion - from a fancy night out to adding an elegant touch to the casual jeans + fitted tee ensemble.

While the clutches are a bit pricey (they range from $45 to $105
), the average price is $50. Expensive, yes, but perhaps worth it as Rowena's clutches are so unique (and not very well known, since she only sells her bags through Etsy), there is an extremely slim chance, if any, of running into someone with the same clutch. The price is also worth the "oohs" and "aahs" you and your clutch are bound to hear, not to mention supporting the artist and her stylish passion.

To view mo
re bags, check out Rowena's Red Ruby Rose shop at Etsy. And if $50 still seems a bit pricey for a clutch, Rowena is currently having a sale in which select clutches are discounted by one-third.

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